Tapping Into Your Inner Knowing And Surrendering To The Process

clarity inner knowing inner voice inner wisdom purpose universal intelligence Nov 15, 2022
WCP S1 E60 | Inner Knowing

How many times have we received these inner downloads, this inner knowing that things are happening for us? How many times aren’t we listening to that voice? Take a few minutes of your time and tune in as Yanet Borrego explains why you don’t need to overthink how you can achieve your goals. As you continue moving forward, you are going to get clarity in your path. We have this universal intelligence around us and inside of us. Everything that happens in our lives happens in harmony, even in the most challenging moments. You don’t need external validation from anyone else. Listen to that voice inside of you. It’s loud. It’s clear. It’s purposeful. Tune in now and learn how to listen to that inner knowing better so you can walk with clarity and purpose!


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Tapping Into Your Inner Knowing And Surrendering To The Process

Welcome back to another episode of the show. I haven't recorded a solo episode in a while because I came back from being three weeks in Hawaii and then traveling to New York after that for a media event. Before I left for Hawaii, I recorded 6 or 7 different episodes, so I was ready. I'm resuming the routine of recording all these amazing episodes for all of you.

I was in Hawaii for three weeks for personal development and spiritual growth training, which I deeply loved. I cannot wait to continue incorporating all these lessons, techniques, and key takeaways in my coaching practice and everything else that I do, including the show or content that I release to all of you every single week.

For me, the purpose of developing myself is also to help develop others. That's why I'm here. That's why I left my nine-year corporate career in 2021 to become a full-time coach. This is what I'm truly passionate about. This is where I want to serve you, which is important to me. I spent three weeks in Hawaii, which was amazing. There was a lot of learning. These are training where you start at 10:00 AM and finish at 8:00 PM. These are nonstop training. That's what I love because I'm a learner. I love learning, implementing, and getting more techniques for all of you.

I came back from Hawaii. That was on a Tuesday because my flight was on Monday. I arrived here on a Tuesday at 5:00 AM. I've never been so jetlagged in my life. I was struggling. It’s not only to tell you that, but that Thursday, I had to travel to New York for a media event that I had on Friday. That week was nonstop for me. For the four weeks that I was traveling, it was nonstop.

I went to New York on Thursday, and on Friday, there was this one-day media event that I was attending where we would meet the audience. We were a group of 25 people. We would meet TV producers and editors from huge publications such as Business Insider and NextAdvisor. There were a lot of inspiring editors of these publications that we read on a daily basis.

In New York, it was a little bit chilly compared to Houston, where I live, so I took a coat with me. I'm not used to carrying a coat. In the event, I not only had a coat, but I put my coat in a closet. I'm not used to 1) Having a coat on me, and 2) Putting my clothes somewhere else than on my body. In this case, it was in the closet. I did that at the beginning of the event.

We went through the event. It was very insightful. We connected with wonderful people and wonderful entrepreneurs from the audience. That was one of my intentions for also going to this event. At the end of the event, I was so excited. I'm like, “We did it.” We had a dinner planned. The person that I was staying with, Kimberly, I love her to death. She was so gracious enough to let me stay with her and her boyfriend. We had some dinner reservations and decided to invite other people from the event.

We requested an Uber and left in a hurry. One minute before the Uber arrived, I was like, “I forgot my coat in the closet.” I went upstairs super quickly. I took the elevator and ended up going upstairs. I knocked on the door because I realized that the door to the room that we were in was closed. I knocked on the door and no one responded. In my mind, I'm like, “My coat stays there.”

I was like, “The Uber is waiting. I need to go down because more people are waiting on me to take the Uber. I was the person who requested the Uber.” I got this inner knowing within me that, somehow, I was going to get that coat back. I didn't know how it was going to happen. I wasn't attached to the outcome either.

I went to the Uber and rode with two other attendees from the event. We then had an amazing Italian dinner. I was like, “I don't know how I'm going to get that coat, but I'm letting go of attachment.” Inside of me, I had that inner knowing that somehow, from New York to Houston, Texas, that coat was going to arrive.

Have you ever, in your life, had that inner knowing or that inner voice telling you, “No worries. This is going to happen,” or telling you the opposite, like, “This is not for you.” I made a significant decision of something that I realized due to the timing of my business and everything else that was not aligned with my path. It was because I was listening to that inner voice.

We had dinner. The next day, my flight was leaving around 9:00 AM. I ended up leaving around 6:30 AM from her apartment to get to LaGuardia Airport. At this time, I'm on the plane. I don't have my jacket still or my coat. I travel to Houston and make it. I was like, “I didn't get my jacket.” I had this inner knowing inside of me, but I wasn't attached to whether I got it or not.

I kept going through my life. I was resuming the routine of my business and everything else. One week after, I got a message in Telegram. It's a messaging app. It was from one of the coordinators of the event sending me a picture of my coat and telling me, “Is this your coat? If it is yours, we'll mail it to you.” I was like, “Thank you so much. Please, I would appreciate that so much.” That was one week after.

There are so many lessons in these experiences because how many times have we received this inner voice? I call it sometimes these inner downloads. It’s information that you get. You get this inner knowing that things are happening for you. How many times aren't we listening to that voice and then start questioning every single step of the way? In my case, I knew I was going to get it, but I didn't know how it was going to happen.

I see it in my coaching practice all the time. When we are setting our one-year goals after going through a process of defining who my clients want to be and what they want to be doing, we do a comprehensive process even before we get into the one-year goals to make sure they connect to that North Star or long-term direction. When we get to the goals, which are the milestones they want to achieve within the next year, so many times, they tell me, “I  don't know how I'm going to get there.” I always remind them, “It doesn't matter. What you need to figure out is your next step. As you continue moving forward and going through that next step, you will get clarity in your path.”

We often forget that there is this universal intelligence or universal mind around us and inside of us. Everything that happens in our lives happens in harmony, even in the most challenging moments. Those challenges are a sign that we need to get a lesson from there. The next question, next reflection, and next key takeaway from this experience is, are you trusting? Are you trusting that inner voice? Are you trusting to move forward on this path toward your dreams and purpose even though you don't know how?

Let me tell you something. Whenever you're growing or you are pushing the boundaries of what you know or who you think you are, your boundaries are those limiting beliefs. That is when you ask yourself, “Am I capable? Is this possible for me?” Whenever you're pushing those boundaries, you are going to have fear in your life. You're going to have fear in your life because it is okay. Your mind, in a way, is going to try to keep you in your comfort zone to protect you. What we got to remember is that there is nothing to be protected of.


Whenever you're pushing your boundaries, you're going to have fear in your life. And that’s okay.


You are a creator. You're the creator of your reality. You're the creator of your life. You deserve to grow. You deserve to go to that next step. I love a quote that I heard. I don't remember the exact wording, but it's something like, “In fear and faith, there is nothing guaranteed. Whether you decide to have fear or to have faith, there are no guarantees. It requires you to believe in something you cannot see, but which one are you going to choose? Are you going to choose to be operating in fear and survival mode, or are you going to choose to trust the process and live in faith, knowing that everything that happens in this world is for you?”

When you look back on your life, how many times have you achieved things that you are even surprised that you got there and at the beginning, you didn't know how you were going to get there? What you knew is what you wanted to manifest, but you didn't know how. It is so important that we trust in the how and let the how be flexible. As you continue walking in your path, you start getting more information that you didn't know before. You start growing into a new version of yourself.

How often are you trusting the process? How often are you trusting this inner voice that is coming from you? Isn't it incredible how so many times we go to other people asking them to tell us what to do and give us this external validation? They don't know better. They are trying to figure out their way, too. You are trusting someone else that is not you most of the time.


I used to do this all the time. In my journey of gaining clarity and purpose, and even in this transition of entrepreneurship, I build up my confidence in relying on that inner voice. Even if, at times, it doesn't make logical sense in my mind, I decide to trust it. If it's coming from a place of love and my heart and gut are in it, I trust it. We never are going to know with certainty the exact step and exact roadmap together. Many things can happen. You can only be in the creative space when you are operating out of uncertainty because you don't know what's going to happen.


You can only be in the creative space when you are operating out of uncertainty. Creation is pure uncertainty.


You're creating. Creation is pure uncertainty. Trust is a big thing. When I say faith, I don't necessarily refer to it in a religious way. If you're religious, then you can use that label as is, but I refer to it as this trust in yourself. It is this trust in yourself and this energy that is within you that knows what to do next. For the rest, you just got to trust.

The third key learning for me, which is something that I've been working on mainly this 2022, is are you surrendering? With this trust that you have in the process, are you letting go of the attachment to the outcome and surrendering? The only thing we have control over is what we do. The only thing I had control of at that moment was running back to the room where the event happened, knocking on the door, and hoping to recover my coat.


I took the action that I thought wasn't necessary at the moment in order to get my coat back. Nothing happened at that moment, but I knew that I was going to get it back from New York to Houston somehow. Honestly, I wasn't obsessing over it. I was like, “I took action. Whether I get it or not, I'm going to be happy with what I did.” It's not only about thinking and wishing. You got to take action in the process. As you are taking action, moving towards that desired outcome, and trusting the process, are you also surrendering? That means, are you letting of the attachment to the outcome?

Many times, we also get attached to the outcome. We get attached to the next step. You get attached to how things are going to go or how other people respond if people like your post or not. If you close your eyes and visualize what attachment is, attachment is a way to be stuck because there is no movement of energy. There is no movement of you.

Focus on the only thing you can control, which are the actions that you take in order to move forward. These are actions to how you show up every single day, how you respond to situations, and how you overcome challenges. That's the only thing. For the rest, you surrender. Whatever happens next, it is also important that we trust that it's happening for the higher good of ourselves and others around us.

I wanted to share this small event that happened in New York. In these small events, there were so many key takeaways and key learnings that apply to our everyday life. I hope this resonated with you. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review so we can reach more people with this empowering content. I appreciate you. Thank you so much for tuning in. I'll see you soon.


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