Carving The Path To A Purpose-Driven Career
Jun 22, 2022
It seems that a lot more people are treating their jobs as a means to an end rather than a vital part of their life. But how does one find and create a purpose-driven career? In this episode, Yanet Borrego defines what it really means to live with purpose, especially when it comes to the place where you spend at least a third of your life in. She offers advice on how you can determine a purpose-driven career through the four pillars: alignment, emotion, growth, and contribution. Join in for more valuable insight on how you can carve your path to success and fulfillment.
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Carving The Path To A Purpose-Driven Career
What Is A Purpose-Driven Career?
I am beyond excited to have you here because time is our most precious gift. The fact that we get to spend together means a lot to me. Thank you so much for being here. This episode is all about creating a purpose-driven life. It's about defining what that means and how to create one. I love this story from one of the guests coming up. Her interview is going to be released two episodes from now. Her name is Sunny Lamba, and you're going to love her. She was telling me about how, when she was working in her previous career, she hated mornings.
She couldn't wake up because she wasn’t motivated and energized by the work she was doing. After she transitioned to full-time entrepreneurship, she became a morning person because the meaning behind waking up early had changed for her. That's important because a purpose-driven career feels energizing, light, and in alignment. When I say a purpose-driven career, I don't necessarily mean leaving corporate, which a lot of people may think because of my journey of leaving corporate.
A purpose-driven career means whatever career or business makes you feel in alignment with your purpose. The how remains flexible. It feeds incorporate and us, entrepreneur amazing tool. We are not attached to a format. We are attached to the experience that you get out of this career or business. That's what we are going to talk about.
I will love to share with you the story of one of the students of the Discover Your Purpose Program, my digital course. Her name is Wendy. She gave me permission to share this story. Wendy has two sons. She was talking to her youngest son about the journey of being an adult. Her youngest son mentioned that he was super excited about growing up and being an adult.
When fear and self-doubt come up, celebrate them instead of running away.
He said, "The only thing I'm not excited about, which is the worst part of being an adult is working a job, doing something you hate." Her youngest son said this to her, and she told me, "That's why I want to be the example for him that this doesn't have to be the case." I love that she's a leading example in her son's life. When I was working my first corporate job, I used to see the people around me and a lot of people were unhappy.
Honestly, they weren't doing much about it. I want you to do differently, stand up in your light, believe in your limited potential because you have only limited potential, and also do something about it. You don't need to go from 0 to 100. It does take years. It is a journey. The most important thing is for you to take responsibility for change and take that control so you can start manifesting the reality and the career or business you truly deserve. We spend at least 1/3 of our lives in our careers or businesses. Why not have something you truly love, something that fires you up and that you wake up energized every single day?
I was reading an article from Forbes. They were talking about this 2018 survey that Gallup did. The data showed that 66% of employees worldwide are either not engaged or actively disengaged in their job. This doesn't mean that they hate their job. What this means is that they don't feel the passion and the purpose for the roles. They don't care enough to innovate, create, or put anything more into their jobs than the bare minimum. Tolerating your job, business, and career is the opposite of a purpose-driven career.
A purpose-driven career is one where you're consistently growing, pivoting, and getting excited about the different moves you get to do in your career or business. You get excited about being creative and trying new things. Fear and self-doubt are going to be there because every time you push the boundaries of what you know and try something new, it is normal to experience fear and self-doubt. I want you to start expecting that instead of running away from that. The more you run away from that, the more resistance you're going to create to doing something new.
As a first-year of being a full-time entrepreneur, this is something I do almost every day. When fear and self-doubt come up, I celebrate it because that means I'm one step closer to getting to that goal and stretching those boundaries so I can continue growing. When fear and self-doubt come up, celebrate it instead of running away. I promise you. This mindset shift is going to create a huge transformation in your life. Expect fear and self-doubt. Whenever they come, celebrate it. They are going to be there every time you try something new.
Going back to tolerating your job and being in your comfort zone that's on the opposite end of a purpose-driven career and business. Some of you may be thinking, "Is that even possible to feel energized, fulfilled, and motivated by your career or business?" I'm here to tell you that it is because, in many years of my corporate career, I had some jobs that I was not motivated by those jobs. I had some jobs that I loved, like the company that I was working for before I transitioned to full-time entrepreneurship. I loved what I was doing. I loved the culture and the people. It is possible within and outside of a corporate. That's something important to remember.
I’ve been a full-time entrepreneur, and I love everything I get to do. This also means that every day I wake up loving my life, but 99% of the time, I do. Like everything else, there are days that I struggle because, at the end of the day, I'm a human being like you. I'm no special. We go through the same struggles.
It is also important to mention that you can like your job and still decide that it is not your purpose-driver career or purpose-driven business. I left my corporate job. I love that company. They were amazing. I always speak highly of them. Even though I enjoyed and loved my job, I knew that was not it because many years ago, I had a clear direction of where I was heading. In those years that I spent in corporate, that direction became clear. My purpose, as I continued experimenting with all these ways, it became more congruent within myself.
Do not wait until a crisis hits or until you hit rock bottom to make a decision. Do not wait for the pain to be your motivator.
You can like your job and still decide that's not it. It's okay. I'm going to explain the elements or pillars of creating a purpose-driven career or business. The other part of a purpose-driven career is if you know that's not it for whatever reason, if you know that's not it, do not stay on it. Also, do not wait until a crisis hits or until you hit rock bottom to make a decision.
Do not wait for the pain to be your motivator because whenever that pain disappears, what are you going to be motivated by? It is important that you have a clear direction towards where you're heading, that you have a North Star, and that North Star helps you make the short-term decisions. Do not wait until the crisis hits to make a decision that you know is aligned with yourself.
I've experienced this several times. These aligned and bold decisions are not easy, but you got to recognize that in the long term, that's what's going to be the best for you. Something that I always do with my clients is a technique called future pacing. It is thinking, "If I stay here tolerating my job and not enjoying it, how would I feel ten minutes from now? What would be the consequences 10 months or 10 years from now because?"
Sometimes we are used to making the sessions based on short-term satisfaction and comfort rather than the longer-term fulfillment. At the end of the day, we are aiming for a purpose-driven career that is all about doing something that you're fulfilled with, fires you up, and you're happy with. The other part of this, which goes elated to what I said of not waiting until a crisis hits, is sometimes it is not the job that we have to change.
Sometimes it's our internal world. Sometimes it's the perspective of that job that we are experiencing. That's why in most of my coaching and my digital course, we work with understanding your internal world, how you're making decisions, and how you can also work with your mindset. Let's be honest. Sometimes we cannot change our environment right away, but something we can change right away is our perception of what's going on and what's happening.
Sometimes it's not the job or the career. It's us who we need to change. That's why the journey of my corporate career is important and meaningful to illustrate this point. My first corporate job, I highly disliked. I wanted to leave so bad. I waited on the crisis to hit, although I had a panic attack for the first time in my life, to make a shift that I knew was a long-time due.
It is important that as you continue walking in your path, you start experimenting and capturing data of what you enjoy and don't enjoy. After that job, I stayed in corporate, but I moved the word supply chain, which was a lot more people-oriented than working as a process engineer. I love that so much more. Sometimes in the context of your situation, you can find some job, role, or career that you're aligned with. It’s a matter of looking around and connecting those dots so you can realize that those opportunities are in front of you all the time for the most part.
After my supply chain job, I went to consulting, which I loved a lot more. I knew that I probably was not going to stay in corporate. In all these nine years, I transitioned my perspective from hating my first job to loving the last corporate job I got and still making the decision to leave it because I had a bigger goal that I was aspiring. Sometimes it's a change of perspective, but that change of perspective doesn't mean that we change our longer-term direction.
Growing your career is such a key enabler to live fulfilled, happy, and joyful.
Four Pillars Of A Purpose-Driven Career
We are still walking towards that North Star and enjoying our day-to-day life and everything we are doing. Mastering that internal world is important for your happiness and fulfillment. What is a purpose-driven career? I've given you tidbits of that, but I always think of four pillars when it comes to a purpose-driven career. The first one is alignment. Wherever you are now, do you feel in alignment with that?
How can you know? It is these internal feeling that makes you feel congruent, confident, and connected to the role, job, or business that you're in. Most of the days that you're working on your career, and this includes owning a business, how do you feel? Do you feel in connection within yourself? Is your gut telling you that this is the right step for you, the one that you're in now? That's important for the alignment piece. Alignment is the first pillar.
The second one is emotions. I love this quote from Tony Robbins that says, "The quality of your life is equivalent to the quality of the emotions you face on your day-to-day." I want you to be honest with yourself. In your current job, career, or business, what are the emotions that you face 90% of the time? Are those joys, being energized, frustrated, angry, or powerless? What are those emotions that you're facing? Those are going to be a big indicator if you are in a purpose-driven career or not.
The third pillar is growth. Are you growing? Growing your career in your life is such a key enabler to living fulfilled, happy, and joyful. Are you tapping into your creative side? What are you doing to challenge yourself? Embrace that fear and self-doubt that it's coming with every purpose-driven step that you take. Are you growing in your current job or career? Tolerating a job is not growth. I want you to be honest with yourself and ask yourself, "Am I growing where I am right now? Am I growing in the right direction that I want to go?" That's a very important question.
The last pillar and this is such a big foundation for everything else, is contribution. How are you contributing to the world? I had a clarity call the other day. I was telling her all about my journey, from corporate to have a business. She was like, "You're not doing this for money only." I'm like, "I'm doing this to contribute, help, and show people that there is a way to live fulfilling, where you can create your reality." It may take you months or years, but every step of the way is a decision. You can decide to walk in the direction that makes you feel fulfilled and happy.
If it was for the money, I would have stayed in my safe six figures corporate job that I was doing amazing. Contributing and even the fulfillment and the satisfaction that I feel with my clients when they are experiencing transformations are priceless. Part of a purpose-driven career or business is being able to contribute to society, and community, contribute to other people and be the way for other people that it is possible. That's what contribution is all about.
The four pillars, for a quick summary, are alignment. Do you feel in alignment with your job? Do you feel light when you're working with it? Do you feel connected intentionally? Do you feel that inner peace? Emotion is the second pillar. What are the emotions that you face in your day-to-day? Are they the emotions of feeling energized, happy, joyful, or face, for the most part, emotions of frustration or feeling powerless? Those are not the ones we want in a purpose-driven career.
The third pillar is growth. What are you doing to grow in your career, job, and business? How is that looking for you? The last one is contribution. What are you contributing to the world? What is the legacy you want to leave in this beautiful world so we can inspire more people to be empowered and take responsibility for that change? I'm going to give you a couple of exercises to work on based on these four pillars that we discussed.
I want you to look at your current career, business, job, or whatever that is. I would like you to journal in terms of how do you feel about your current career related to these four pillars. What do you have, and what's missing? For those things that are missing, how can you change your perception now to wake up more energized or maybe find something else that you can do on the side, find a long-term direction, can continue working towards that direction, and at the same time in your day to day, experience happiness, fulfillment, and joy? What are those things?
Is there anything you can do with your current career or business to make it more of those elements that are missing? There is always something we can do. Sometimes we need to look harder, but it's there. The answer is within you already. If it's not possible for whatever reason, and you're the only one who knows, what is the one thing you can start doing now to become closer to that vision of who you want to be years from now in the area of career and business?
Those are the questions for you. I would like for you to get your journal and start writing those based on the four pillars that I provided. I want to remind you that you have all the resources you need within you to succeed already. I'm your biggest fan. I believe in you. I love you dearly because I know you're way more capable than what sometimes you give credit yourself for. I hope you enjoy this episode about what is a purpose-driven career or business and how to create one. If you found this helpful, please share it with your family and friends. I would appreciate it. I'll see you in the next episode.
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