Choosing Between Mentorship and Coaching
Jul 26, 2022
Different personal development modalities help you in your growth in different ways. But how do you know which one you need? In this episode, Yanet Borrego kindly differentiates between coaching and mentorship to help you choose which can guide you on your path. Knowing yourself is vital as you venture on the journey to personal development. Tune in to this episode for great learnings and better clarity on what you need to fulfill your purpose and succeed.
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Choosing Between Mentorship and Coaching
Something exciting happened when I was on my honeymoon a few months back. After several weeks of having time off, I was ready, energized, and excited to get back to work. I was ready to continue working on my business and continue creating an impact that I truly believed in. Looking back, I realized that this was the first time I felt this way because I was living my purpose.
In the past, having time off was never enough but this time was different for me. I'm sharing this with you because it is possible for you to work on something that you truly believe in while making money and creating a legacy that empowers the world. With this in mind, I’m creating my Discover Your Purpose Program Digital Course. This is a comprehensive digital course that will guide you through a five-week step-by-step journey to further align your career to your purpose so you can start creating an impact in this world while doing what you love.
This is also a self-paced digital course but it will have an interactive component because I'm going to be there with you week by week and with a great community of purpose-driven individuals. This program will show you how to release your mental and emotional blocks, clearly define your direction and create an action plan that you can start implementing right away.
It's not only about discovering your purpose but developing the mindset to execute and follow through. I have this end-to-end process that I truly believe will make you successful in achieving a happy and fulfilling life because you deserve that. I've seen it with my coaching clients and my students from Discover Your Purpose Program. I'm excited to invite you to join us in the class of July 2022. The enrollment in Discover Your Purpose Program closes on Thursday, July 28th, 2022, at 8:00 PM. I hope to see you there. You can go to to reserve your spot.
Thank you so much for tuning in. I know you are a super busy person, so I really appreciate every time we get to share some time together. This episode is about differentiating mentorship versus coaching. One of the most popular episodes in this show was the one where I talked about therapy versus coaching. In that episode, I had promised another one that I would talk about mentorship versus coaching.
I was talking with my Toastmasters mentor, something that I haven't mentioned much in this show is once in this life, I was the President of a Toastmaster chapter. I had this amazing mentor, and she called me to say how proud she was of me for adding value through this show and public speaking. I asked her, “Noemi, what other episode would you find valuable for you that I can record?” She said two topics. One was mentorship versus coaching, which is this one and the other one was around mindfulness, which I recorded with an amazing yoga teacher. I cannot wait until that interview releases.
We are going to focus on differentiating mentorship versus coaching. In 2021, I transitioned from my full-time corporate job to full-time entrepreneurship. I had this Clarity Call that was scheduling my calendar, and I was excited because I'm moved and driven by all of your potential, stories, and challenges because I'm always focused on what is the other side whenever you overcome this fear or whatever you're going through.
I had this Clarity Call with this guy, and I was like, “How can I help you? What are your challenges?” Everything that he was telling me, in my mind, was like, “He doesn't need a coach. He needs a mentor.” I have these Clarity Calls to help people identify what they need. They are not all coaching related. This was the case. This person that I had the Clarity Call with what he needed was mentorship at that moment, not coaching.
Let me tell you the difference between mentorship and coaching, and I'm going to explain it really simple. Coaching is an inside-out process. Coaching is a process that you go through when you are trying to discover or work with things within yourself. Maybe you want to discover your purpose, and you don't have clarity. Those answers, the only place you can find them, are within yourself.
Maybe you are struggling with confidence in your workplace, and you need to create the right mindset to be more confident while taking consistent action while needing that accountability. You need a coach because confidence is something that you work through within. Anything that is related to your inside world or answers that you can only answer yourself that's coaching.
Coaching is an inside-out process. Maybe you are challenged because you don't follow through with your goals, and you need the tools, techniques, mindset, and reprogramming to allow you to follow through with your goals. That's coaching because that has to do with you personally. There is something within you that is preventing you from following through with your goals. A lot of time, it's baggage.
The first thing I do with my coaching clients is let's release the baggage because even before setting goals, we need a clean slate. We need you to be in a place where it's empowered, and you believe in yourself. All of that is coaching because coaching is an inside-out process. There are a couple of episodes I published about coaching. I published four episodes on coaching but overall, how I can quickly differentiate it is that coaching is inside out.
A coach doesn't need to have gone through your situation to help you because a coach understands mindset, how your mind works and what are the tools he or she can use to help you get there. I don't know if you know about Tony Robbins. He's a famous personal development speaker and person of influence. He coaches a lot of athletes like Serena Williams and Oprah. He coaches a lot of people.
He calls himself a mindset coach and business strategies. He does a little bit of everything. He coaches all these athletes, and he doesn't need to be an athlete to coach these athletes because what he's doing is more of a mindset coaching. To be a coach, you don't necessarily have to go through what they need to go through to coach.
Anything that is related to your inside world or answers that you can only answer yourself, that's coaching.
In my case and my practice, I coach a lot of people about careers, and that's an area where I can also mentor them because I've gone through there but a coach doesn't need to have gone through the situation because he or she has the tools to help you get to your goals and a mindset. A lot of coaching is mindset, to be honest with you. You have mentorship.
Mentorship is something that the person has gone through. It’s a path that the person has gone through, and now that person is telling you, “I went through this journey. This is what I would recommend you to do.” Mentorship is more of an outside in-process. I'm generalizing here, so you can understand the difference. I'm not saying every mentor is like this or every coach is like that. I'm talking to you in general terms so you can understand the key concepts. Coaching is inside out. It is working from your inside. Mentorship is outside in.
Whenever I was working on creating my digital course, I knew I didn't want to create some videos and put it out there. I wanted to do it well. I wanted to do a comprehensive program. I wanted to understand the ins and outs of operating with the community and digital course on how to keep everyone engaged and deliver content that was meaningful.
I invested in a mentor who had a digital course to help me learn how to properly create a digital course. Why? It’s because this person has gone through the journey and gave me the exact map for me to get there to create that digital course. That's a mentor. There were a lot of things that I needed to figure out like my content and how I was operating with my community. There are a lot of things that you need to gather your internal input to follow a map. The mentorship is more like a roadmap that someone else shares with you, someone else being the mentor because that person has gone through that journey already.
Let me tell you something. Even though that person has gone through a journey already, that person is sharing their experience. You need to determine what fits with your experience or not. If someone gives you a roadmap, it doesn't mean that by keeping that exact roadmap, it's going to work with you because you got to customize it to your values and needs.
It can be more authentic to you but it's still a roadmap and super valuable. That's what a mentor is. Coaching is more inside out. It is for the coach to guide you to discover those answers that you are seeking that are only within yourself. It’s to help you overcome mental and emotional blocks, sometimes physical and spiritual. It is completely different but both of them are super valuable.
Let me add a bonus here. We have another modality, which is consulting. I hired a business consultant to help me navigate the business world. I'm pretty new to full-time entrepreneurship. Consulting is having seen different approaches, benchmarking, “I've seen how these ten different people have developed their digital course. This is what I believe works.”
Consulting is also an outside in-approach, and it benchmarks what different people have done the data, and the consultant tells you what works based on their experience. Those are the difference. I added another one because I want to give you all the value. We discuss coaching versus mentorship and mentorship versus consulting.
A consultant also looks at your state. I meet monthly with my business consultant, and I tell her, “This is what has happened since the last time.” It looks at your current state, assesses it, and tells you, “This is what I've seen. It has worked. Let's try it out.” These are different modalities but overall, mentorship and consulting are outside in. You need the person's input to see what fits better with her but overall, it's outside in.
It's giving you information. It is relying on external input because you need that information. I could have created a digital course myself based on what I think a digital course was but it is not the same as having a role model that you are following a proven and successful roadmap. That's what's powerful. That's mentorship.
Coaching is more inside out. It is helping you dig deeper. For example, the digital course that I created, Discover Your Purpose Program. It is the combination of both coaching and mentorship. Mentorship because I've gone through the process of discovering my purpose and aligning my career to it, which is the business that I have now. It has a lot of coaching because I ask the students questions. I teach them how to release their mental and emotional blocks so they can do it themselves. It's about digging deeper for those answers that are only found within yourself.
I hope this was helpful. My only purpose with this weekly show and content is to allow you to find what you need based on your challenges, what you are seeking, and your desires. It's important to educate ourselves and know the differences between the different personal development modalities. As I always say, “We all need a team of support.” I have my business consultant, mentors, and coach. I have a little bit of everything because I need to work with myself. Whenever I master my internal world, I can show up energized and empowered to do and deal with anything.
A mentor, because it helps so much to be in contact with someone who has walked the path for you to take it as a reference, try it out, and see if that works with you. A consultant, because you want to know what works based on different approaches. All of them are super helpful. It depends on where you are in your journey.
If you are still not sure what you need, schedule a Clarity Call because I'm going to help you define what you need and how you can continue growing in this beautiful, purpose-driven journey. I hope you enjoy this episode. If you have any questions, I'm on Instagram, @YanetBCoaching. I'm on Facebook, @YanetBorrego, and I'm on LinkedIn too. I will be happy to answer any of your messages. I hope to see you next time and have an amazing rest of your day. Take care.
Important Links
- Therapy versus Coaching – Past Episode
- Toastmasters
- Clarity Call
- @YanetBCoaching - Instagram
- @YanetBorrego - Facebook
- LinkedIn - Yanet Borrego Coaching
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