Demystifying Intuition: Own The Superpower Of Trusting Your Gut
Aug 10, 2022
We have all experienced doing something that, beyond any conscious reasoning, led us to some of the best decisions we’ve ever made. The only force that put you to it is your gut, your intuition. How do we understand this feeling and help us in our lives? In this episode, Yanet Borrego demystifies intuition so we can start to own this superpower of trusting our gut. She recounts her experiences of letting her intuition guide her and explains what our subconscious mind does in certain moments of our lives. Learn why intuition can help develop a muscle of self-trust and confidence. Join Yanet as she dives deeper into the topic in this conversation!
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Demystifying Intuition: Own The Superpower Of Trusting Your Gut
I am super excited about our topic because it's all about intuition, tuning into your input and trusting your gut, that first response you get after you ask yourself a question. Let me tell you a story first. I got this feeling that I wanted to start publishing on Instagram daily messages. I wanted it to be something creative. I had done this before with my 100-day Meditation Challenge. I was meditating every single day and then after my meditation, I would record a 5 to 8 minutes video on any insights I got in my meditation practice. This time I wanted it to be different. I was like, “How can I make it more creative? How can I do something a little bit outside of the box?” I thought of Oracles cards.
If you are not familiar with Oracle cards, they are simply cards with illustrations that have a short message. That's all you need to know. I was like, “It would be cool to shuffle the cards and ask for the intention of the day.” I pull a card and start talking about how I feel about that card and what the message means to me. A lot of people can benefit from it.
Every single thing that we talk about and every single message has been meaningful in the context of mindset and empowerment. I was like, “I'm going to do it.” It was this download that I got while simply thinking about the intention for the day. I followed this gut feeling. I started recording every day and people liked it. They were messaging me like, “I love these messages.” Honestly, I'm doing it for myself because I always like to set the intention but in sharing that with others, I'm also adding value to others.
I go to sleep and start dreaming. I have a dream with the word Delphi. In the dream, I tell myself, “Remember this word, Delphi.” I remember having another dream where I was telling myself, “I cannot forget these words Delphi because I told myself in another dream that I couldn't forget it.” After that second dream, I was waking up like, “I cannot forget these words, Delphi.” I had another dream related to that.
The mind can suppress information, but it doesn't mean it has disappeared.
I was worried that I would forget the name or the word that I kept repeating to myself. In my dreams and awake state, it was something interesting. I wake up and tell Cody, “I dreamed that I couldn't forget this word Delphi.” I was like, “What is Delphi? I don't even know what that is. It must mean something.” I went to Google and then typed Delphi. It is a very famous place in Greece where they had the most prominent Oracle based on their stories and this Oracle would tell people what would happen. It would predict.
What I'm doing every day with my Oracle cards on Instagram is not predicting. I'm just giving a message. The same would happen with or without cards. I want to get that across. It's an intuitive message more than anything. When I read on Google that this was a place of a very prominent Oracle in Greece, I remember that I had been there. It’s crazy. I went to Greece years ago and I remember going to Delphi but consciously, I didn't remember any of it. It was interesting that it was connected with the Oracle cards that I was pulling every day.
I reminded myself of how precious the mind is. You may be thinking, “How is this related to intuition?” That is exactly what intuition is. Let's put things into perspective. We have the conscious mind, which is the one that is aware of what we are doing and where we are and we have the subconscious mind that is the one operating most of the things at all times. It is taking care of your breath, how everything works in your body, behavior and beliefs. Many things are at the subconscious level.
The subconscious mind is a super mega computer. It can absorb a lot more information than the conscious mind can. It's estimated that around you, there are always two million bits per second of information. This is coming from a book called Flow. Out of the 2 million bits per second of information, we can only consciously process 126 bits per second. This is almost zero. It is important because often we think that change and beliefs are conscious but we are having the bulk of the work happening in our body, mind and everywhere else at the subconscious level.
The subconscious has the capacity to store every single memory. It has almost unlimited capacity. At times, we may get those downloads from the subconscious mind that sometimes don't make sense to us but they are there within us. That is exactly why I was doing the Oracle cards, then I had this random dream about Delphi, then I kept having dreams about Delphi which resulted to be a place in Greece where a very prominent Oracle used to live as per the legends. I don't know if this happened in reality or not.
My conscious mind didn't know that but my subconscious mind, for some reason, processed the word Oracle and read my dreams. It bubbled up the information about that place I had been to years ago. The subconscious mind is a mega computer. It's always processing and trying to connect the dots to give you the information so you can make the best decisions for yourself. I don't mean perfect decisions because I truly believe that when we make decisions and we get the results that we're not expecting, it is because we needed to get a lesson at that moment and learn something.
How we and psychology define intuition is a process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and non-conscious parts of our mind, like my dream oracle, Delphi, which was crazy and also between instinct and reason. Sometimes when we talk about intuition, we think of this woo-woo stuff that comes from nowhere but it's not true. Intuition is also the connection to the memories and the knowledge that is stored at the subconscious level that we are not aware of but it has been there for a long time.
You got to remember when you enter a grocery store, there is a lot of information around you but consciously you can be aware of a few bits. The subconscious mind of the opposite is absorbing a lot of information that you're not even aware of. That's why subliminal messages, images and ads are a thing. Honestly, the most powerful companies and corporations in the world study how the mind works because they want to influence the consumer. That information that you're receiving at that moment, that sometimes we call our God or intuition is coming from the lessons and the knowledge that you have gathered throughout the years. Following that God and intuition develop a muscle of self-trust and confidence.
The more you meditate, the more you allow that space for you to get comfortable with who you are
I was conducting a couple of testimonials and feedback interviews with the students of the Discover Your Purpose Program. I was asking them, “What was your biggest takeaway?” For a lot of them, one of the biggest takeaways was trusting their gut. They learn for the first time to trust their input and inner voice because even in my digital course and with my coaching clients, I'm always asking them questions.
I'm always also running them through techniques and procedures to release any mental or emotional baggage to define their goals. There are so many things that we do altogether in the process. When I ask that question, I always notice my clients and students start thinking, rationalizing and overthinking. I always remind them, “Tell me the first thing that comes to mind because that is a thing that we need to work with.”
Let me remind you something. How many times you have been in a situation where your gut told you from the beginning, “That's not the right relationship, career opportunity, job or friendship?” How many times we have heard that inner voice and decided to ignore it? Many times. Even with my first corporate job in oil and gas, I had this inner voice. Even during my Chemical Engineering degree, I had this inner voice that was telling me, “This is not for you.” Throughout the years, because I kept ignoring it, it kept getting louder. That's what happens when we ignore this inner voice and try to hide it. Believe me, the mind can suppress information but it doesn't mean that it disappeared.
It means that it's still there. Sometimes when you least expect it, it's going to bubble up back to the surface and ask you to take attention to that and do something about it. It is going to ask you for attention and you're going to feel it. When you feel it, it is time to take action and do something about it. It's important that you start trusting yourself. Here's the thing. We rely all the time to trust others' inputs on our situations and others' opinions. We are all trying to figure it out ourselves. Asking someone else that is trying to figure out themselves about important decisions in your life that require your input is like a blind leading another blind. It doesn't make sense.
What if you don't have that person in the future? The muscle of intuition, trusting in your input and the first thing that comes to mind is that inner voice. Going with it is going to be a huge tool for your personal development, growth and everything else. Once I started to trust my intuition, their fulfillment and their self-confidence, I felt skyrocketed because self-confidence a lot of times is linked to feeling in control. Even though there are uncomfortable situations, you know they are the right ones. When you make them, you're going to strengthen that self-confidence muscle because you're in control doing the hard thing and showing up.
It is important to recognize that. I want to also point you to these data. Out of the sample of several CEOs, 85% confirm that they make decisions based on their intuition. I came from consulting before transitioning to full-time entrepreneurship and I know the importance of data-driven decisions. I'm not saying, “Don't look at the data. Do everything out of your intuition.” The data itself doesn't do anything. The data needs interpretation. That interpretation comes from your knowledge.
That intuition is directly linked to the knowledge that is at the subconscious level, that you're not even conscious that it's there. Intuition is not only woo-woo. It is directly linked to what you know already at the subconscious level. When things bubbled up for you, trust it because that builds that muscle of self-confidence that you are in control, that you can tune into your input and live a life with purpose. What are the things that I usually do and recommend my coaching clients and students to do to strengthen this muscle?
The first one is to meditate. I'm a huge fan of meditation. I've been doing it. I started back in 2012 when my uncle introduced me to meditation and I never looked back. I kept doing it because the more you meditate, you allow that space for you to get comfortable with who you are and explore yourself and get curious about the thoughts calming while you're sitting there in silence or maybe with a guided meditation. Honestly, between silence and guided, I prefer silence because it allows me to start noticing, “What is coming up? What are the thoughts? Why am I feeling how I'm feeling?”
If you're not used to meditating, maybe do it for three minutes every day in the morning and focus on consistency rather than perfection. If you cannot do 3 minutes, do 1 or do something. Sometimes I struggle with overthinking and I get overwhelmed. I'm in my head. Tony says, “When you're in your head, you're dead.” Something that I do is that I put my right or left hand in my heart and then I asked myself, “What's the intention? How can I serve?” I asked myself a question that takes me back to the whole why of what I'm doing.
It also focuses on the desired outcome, which is to provide service to all of you at the end of the day. I'm talking specifically about my business but even in many relationships, sometimes I have to break the pattern of operating from the head and start acting with the heart. When you put your hands in their heart and you ask a question of whatever you're seeking the answer for, you'll be surprised with the things that come up.
It's super important to trust your intuition. Remember that whatever you're hearing, that inner voice is coming from you and not from anywhere else. I hope you enjoy this episode and you start practicing trust in your input and intuition because you're going to notice a huge shift in your energy, fulfillment and joy. I hope you have a wonderful day. I'll see you in the next episode.
Important Links
- Instagram – Yanet Borrego
- Flow
- Discover Your Purpose Program
- - With Clarity & Purpose
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