Gaining Clarity: A Journey To Finding Your Purpose
Oct 19, 2021
We all want to achieve clarity and purpose in life. But how do we start defining what clarity is for us? How do you know when you’ve found your purpose? How do you know that this is your passion? Tune in as Yanet Borrego guides us in answering these questions. Join in on this new adventure as she shares insights and life lessons to get you started on your journey to finding clarity and purpose in life by asking the right questions and having the right mindset when faced with uncertainty.
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Gaining Clarity: A Journey To Finding Your Purpose
Welcome to the first episode of With Clarity & Purpose. I am so excited to share this episode because it's about gaining clarity. I get many questions from my coaching clients, from friends about clarity. How to gain clarity in those spurs of moments when you get an idea or even finding clarity on how do you know that is your purpose. How do you know that is your passion?
Sometimes we have this idea of clarity like is this thing that will come from above and suddenly out of nowhere when it hits your body and your mind, you know exactly every single element of whatever you're trying to find out. Clarity is definitely not like that. If you have that idea of clarity, you need to let go of it now. Even before talking about clarity, I always ask people in regards to that element that you want to find clarity for, let’s say, your purpose in life. What is it?
In regards to that, do you have a why? Do you have a higher intention for you to try to find clarity? Let me illustrate this with a story. A few months ago, I became a full-time entrepreneur, coach, speaker and trainer. Before that, I spent almost nine years in corporate working as an engineer, a supply chain expert and a consultant.
Even when I graduated with my Chemical Engineering degree and I started to work on a refinery for one of the biggest oil and gas companies, I knew something inside me, that was not it. While getting to know me, I started to realize how passionate I was about helping people. I started to obsess over understanding my decisions and my behaviors and then I started evolving into by having these tools and these skills, how can I help people to do the same?
How can I help people to live empowered lives and lives that they define on their own terms? Lives where they take decisions out of love not out of fear, out of an abundance mindset not out of a scarcity mindset. That was my why. That was my higher purpose. My higher intention was to help people. I knew that was it because of how I felt in my mind, my body and my spirit.
Clarity is a journey. It’s not a destination.
How I was going to get there and the format of that, the vehicle or the channel to get in there. I didn't have an idea. That year I learned that this is what I'm passionate about. I still don't know what to do with that at that moment. This was back in 2013 when I started my corporate career. At that moment, I didn't know the form. It wasn't going to adopt. I didn't even know that in the future I was going to be a full-time entrepreneur. I knew there was a thirst inside of me that wanted to seek more in order to fulfill that purpose that I had. While I was in corporate, I started taking a lot of action to try to understand myself.
I started to take a lot of personal development training. I started to get certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which is the language of the mind and how we can reprogram our mind to overcome our deepest unconscious programming. I was 35 with the John Maxwell Team as a coach, trainer and speaker. I studied Pranic Healing. I started to study and take action in different fields related to my why. I studied with Tony Robbins. I started to collect that data in order for me to gain a better understanding of exactly what I was looking for and that's how I gained clarity.
A lot of times when I received the question, “How do I make sure that is it?” My answer is, "You always know the first thing that comes to your mind and from that, you got to be willing to take action." Not only action of like, "I'll do it one day." You got to be willing to take consistent action because that's going to determine the quality of the data you are collecting for yourself in order to understand yourself better.
As you continue collecting more data because you are taking different actions and trying to understand yourself, the quality of your decisions will be a lot better and with the clarity that you'll be getting, you'll feel more congruent about it. After taking my John Maxwell Team certification of being a coach, speaker and trainer when one of the speakers was talking about coaching on that stage with hundreds of people, I just knew coaching was it.
I knew that coaching was going to be one of those things that I wanted to do with people, for people and I wanted to make that my career. I wanted to make that my purpose because I knew it was it but it wasn't until I showed up in that event and started to hear people speak. I didn't have an idea before. It wasn't until that moment that I started to gain more clarity and it goes back to action and that action has to have a direction. In order to gain clarity, you also need to define your why. What is your direction? Where are you going to be walking towards? In my case was I want to help people and ideally, I want that to be my career one day.
As I started to walk their path and take different actions in different events, that's when everything else, the format of what I wanted to do started to have shape and that's how I started to gain clarity. For gaining clarity for you to be able to let go of certain limiting beliefs and be able to replace those with empowering ones, I'm going to give you a couple of tips that I'm sure are going to be super helpful and you can share them with your friends and some family.
In the first one, you got to let go of the idea that clarity is something that is going to hit you and then you'll be able to have 100% of the information. You'll be able to have a totally clear idea of how the path and the format is going to look like. Clarity is something that you start gaining when you take the first step. Clarity is a journey. It's not a destination because whenever you have your why and you start defining your smaller goals to get you closer to that why, you will start realizing that as you continue gaining clarity, you also continue seeking more clarity.
They go hand in hand. The process never stops until we leave this Earth and that takes me to tip number two. This is a journey. Don't expect these to be a sprint. It's a marathon. While you're in this marathon, take time to enjoy the journey. Take time to learn because as one of the NLP presuppositions says, "There is no failure, only feedback." As you're walking that path and trying to gain clarity, you are getting feedback all the time. You are getting more data.
As you're having more data, you'll be able to have more clarity and improve the quality of your decisions and enjoy your process. That's one of the most important things and be an eternal student. The third one is to be an eternal student. Be willing and open to learning as you go. I remember when I had the idea about this show. This was probably years ago when I had the first idea of this show.
In my mind, what got me inspired to start this initiative years ago theoretically because I didn't take action until 2021. It was the idea of I wanted to share people's stories that were having a similar journey than mine, that they were working on seeking clarity as they were working their own path. Mainly in tripping words because I know that there are a lot of people aspiring to be an entrepreneur to create their own reality for life.
There is no failure, only feedback.
To create their own business, to live in the creative zone and because they don't have role models, they don't hear enough stories, they never make the job. I wanted to collect stories of people that were going through a similar path than me so we all could inspire others to take control of their life and do the same.
I remember they'll starting a list and collecting names of people that I was going to interview. From there, I started to take action and interview a couple of people I had on my list. I was interviewing one of them. He told me, "Yanet, you're going to have a video. You're going to have the audio clearly from the video. Why don't you start a podcast?"
I was like, "That makes a lot of sense. Why I didn't think of this." It wasn't until I started to take action, that the format of my initiative, started to take more shape. It was also because I was able to learn from others. We don't have never, ever 100% of the information. To be able to learn from others is key as you continue gaining and seeking clarity.
From there, my idea of a series of videos became a series of videos and shows. From them, I was like, "If I start a show, I can have all these series of videos from other people and I can also share tidbits of information to help my audience, to help people to continue to create a more empowered community."
An idea that started there kept evolving and it was because I started to take action and it took me a couple of years to take action. Now, I'm doing it and I know from this format, maybe it continues evolving and I find someone else who is wiser than me in this area and it evolves even more. Being an eternal student is important.
The last one is to be comfortable with uncertainty. This one is challenging for all of us because we always want to know what is next but think about it. If we always have certainty, where do we allow space for creativity? Whenever you are in a situation that you're facing uncertainty, go back and allow yourself to think, “This is my time to be creative,” allow and surrender to whatever is happening. I always tell my coaching clients, "There is a lesson to be learned in every situation and uncertainty allows you to be open to the situation, initiative, project or idea."
It is important to do all of those. As I finalize this episode that I hope all of you enjoyed, I would like to finalize it with one question for you. The question that I want you to reflect on is, "What are you seeking clarity on?" Maybe it's the purpose in life as I was. Maybe it's transitioning from my career where you are now to a career where you can live your purpose while doing that career like I'm doing now. Maybe it's in a relationship. Maybe it's clarity that you're seeking in a romantic relationship or with a family member.
As you're seeking clarity, I want you to think of your why. What is the higher intention that is leading you to find that clarity? In my example, my higher intention was to help people on making off that purpose of mine, my career. Every step that I took during these years, at the end of the day, was to align to that intention.
You got to find your direction and understand whatever you're seeking clarity on fits into that journey of yours that you are walking towards. When you're able to connect those ask yourself, “What are you waiting for to take action? When are you going to take the first step?” Consistent action is important. I hope you enjoy this episode. Thank you so much for reading. I can't wait to share the next episode. See you soon. Bye.
Important Links:
- If you are looking to get further quality, please check out my coaching program and schedule your clarity call at
- Youtube Channel - Yanet Borrego
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FREE Resources:
Starting your day without direction? Start your morning on purpose with my go-to 5 mins routine.
Need Clarity? 3 Simple Questions to boost your clarity and make authentic decisions that lead to fulfilling outcomes. You also have journaling space for each question so you can capture your insights.
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