How to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs and Let Go of Self-Sabotage

awareness hypnosis limiting beliefs meditation releasing limiting beliefs subconscious belief Feb 04, 2025

You’ve Become the Opposite of Your Limiting Beliefs (And You Don’t Know It Yet)

When it comes to self-growth, the smartest clients I've coached have often believed they weren't smart enough. The most articulate clients thought they weren’t articulate enough, and the most accomplished clients struggled with feelings of not being good enough

Does this sound familiar?

Limiting beliefs are deeply ingrained thoughts that hold us back from achieving our potential. If you believe you aren’t good enough, smart enough, or capable enough, chances are you’ve developed a set of self-sabotaging beliefs that are dictating your life’s course.

I had an aha moment this week while reflecting on the transformations of my coaching clients. I realized how many of them unknowingly became the opposite of their limiting beliefs, but they didn’t even realize it. So, I knew I had to share this powerful insight with you!

The Story of Anna: Letting Go of Her Old Identity

Let me tell you the story of Anna (calling her this name for confidentiality purposes), a client who returned for a second round of coaching after working with me for a year on romantic relationships. This time, Anna wanted to focus on personal development and career coaching.

Our journey began with a Breakthrough Session. This first phase of my 1:1 coaching program is designed to uncover the hidden beliefs, emotions, and memories that have been subconsciously holding my clients back from achieving their desired results. It’s a way of letting go of your old identity so you can create space for the results you want to manifest. 

Clients often refer to the Breakthrough Session as a “rebirth” and “a huge pattern interrupt”. After we’re done with this release process they’re surprised at how much clarity they have and how different they feel, think, and behave.

Uncovering the Root Cause of Her Limiting Beliefs: “I Am Not Good Enough”

When I asked Anna, “Why are you here?” she revealed a deep fear:

“I’m afraid I’m becoming more and more like my mother.”

We continued to dig deeper, and Anna confessed:

“I’m always following through with others but never keeping promises to myself.” “I want to stop comparing myself to others.” “I feel like I’m not smart enough, not confident enough, and not a good leader.”

These words pointed to the root cause of Anna’s struggle: the belief of not being good enough.

The Power of Limiting Beliefs in Shaping Our Reality

In our Breakthrough Session, Anna began to realize that her limiting beliefs weren’t just holding her back—they were causing stress, anxiety, co-dependency in her relationships, and a sense of unfulfillment. But what surprised her was how opposite her reality was. Despite feeling inadequate, Anna was one of the most confident, assertive, and accomplished leaders I’ve ever coached—managing over 200 employees by the time she was 30.

So, how could someone so successful feel like a fraud? The answer lay in her limiting beliefs.

How Limiting Beliefs Hold Us Back (Even When We’re Successful)

Despite all of her accomplishments, Anna’s childhood experiences had programmed her to feel inadequate. Her parents, though incredibly intelligent, hadn’t reached their full potential, which subconsciously influenced Anna’s beliefs about herself. She thought she had to prove her worth, which motivated her to achieve more—but from a place of fear and scarcity.

This fear-driven motivation works for a while, but it doesn’t lead to lasting fulfillment. Anna began to realize that success driven by fear leads to emptiness, not joy.

Releasing Limiting Beliefs Through Subconscious Reprogramming

In our coaching session, I guided Anna through a powerful process called Mental and Emotional Release® (MER). This technique helps release the emotional baggage tied to limiting beliefs, allowing the subconscious mind to let go of past negative emotions and memories.

Anna identified the lesson hidden in her emotional memories and immediately began to feel lighter and more aligned. She was able to shift from a place of fear-driven success to a place of inspiration and self-worth.

How Anna Transformed Her Life: Results from Subconscious Reprogramming

After releasing her limiting beliefs, Anna began to prioritize her well-being, and her stress significantly decreased. She mentored her team from a place of inspiration and fun instead of fear and obligation. As a result, Anna attracted incredible career opportunities that were in alignment with her values and purpose.

Her transformation didn’t just come from conscious effort—it came from subconscious reprogramming. Through mental and emotional release (MER) and hypnosis, Anna was able to break free from years of limiting beliefs and step into her true power.

How You Can Release Your Own Limiting Beliefs

Are you ready to let go of your own limiting beliefs and step into your full potential? Here are some steps you can take today:

  1. Awareness Exercise: Reflect on your limiting beliefs. What stories have you been telling yourself? Are they true? If you were asked in court to prove, based on facts, that your limiting belief is not true, how would you do it? I often ask my clients to reflect on their lives and create a list of every single thing they have achieved (small or big).
  2. Meditation: Tune into the guided meditation: Releasing Patterns of Unworthiness – “You Are Enough” to start breaking free from limiting beliefs.
  3. Hypnosis: Consider customized hypnosis sessions to reprogram your subconscious mind. Schedule a call here to learn more.
  4. Breakthrough + 1:1 Coaching: Schedule a clarity call with me to dive deeper into your own breakthrough session and discover how you can release your limiting beliefs with the Mental and Emotional Release® technique.

Embrace Your True Potential

The path to self-empowerment and success doesn’t lie in fighting against your limiting beliefs—it’s about acknowledging them and then releasing them. When you free yourself from the chains of fear and scarcity, you can step into your true potential and create the life you truly deserve.

If you’re ready to experience your own transformation, don’t wait. Let go of your limiting beliefs today and unlock the life you’ve always wanted. Schedule your free clarity call here. 

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