I learned how to ride a bicycle when I was 26 years old. It's never too late to learn a new skill.
Aug 31, 2021
I didn't have the opportunity to learn how to ride a bicycle during my childhood. I assume it was because my mom and I were moving all the time, from Cuba to Mexico, and from Mexico to Puerto Rico. We had other priorities and I had to assume other responsibilities very fast.
I am a firm believer that it's never too late to start over again and learn something new. At 26 years old, I finally learned how to ride a bicycle. I remember going with a friend to Wal-Mart and buying a bicycle and all the corresponding gear. My friend assumed the role of teaching me how to ride it. For the first time, I was riding a bicycle in the street, next to cars and people. It was pretty scary and exciting at the same time! We ran 7 miles the first time until I fell out of my bicycle, after not pressing the brakes, during a downhill with lots of turns (you can see the pic)... I ended up in Emergency since my helmet broke and I hit my head. Thankfully everything in my body was healthy. The last time I remember a fall like this was when I was a kid… an interesting experience when you are an adult!
Two weeks after my accident, we went back to the trail and I did 8 more miles! We went through the same hill where I fell and I was pretty scared due to my previous experience. I was able to incorporate the learnings (use the breaks in a downhill!) and we had a successful run without any falls!
There are a few lessons from this process that I would like to share, which are very applicable to life :
1. It's never too late to learn a new skill. Do not let the fear of "not knowing" stop you from having the experience of "learning a new skill". What you lose by not trying may be bigger than what you lose by trying. New experiences are exciting! All of my most valuable experiences have happened in an environment that I consider out of my comfort zone. That is actually where growth happens. Growing is not comfortable short-term but long-term it's the most rewarding and fulfilling process you can ever experience.
2. If you fall (which you will)... go back and try again! You may learn something new. I know it hurts, and in the end, persistence pays off. It may be more painful to stay where you are. Take the risk and try it! Do not expect to be perfect or close to it the first time.
3. Surround yourself with people who push you and encourage you to do better.... people that genuinely care about you. If it was not for my friend, maybe I would have not gone back again to the trails after I fell and got hurt. He was encouraging, patient, and understanding during the process. He believed in me and it really made the difference.
Life is a journey. Do not strive to be perfect. Strive to be a perfect example of an imperfect human being.
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