Prioritize Wellness, Prioritize Yourself
Nov 02, 2021
Many of us claim we don’t have time for wellness because we’re too busy doing things for others. But think about this for a second: doesn’t it make sense to take care of yourself first so you can take care of others? That is why you need to prioritize yourself! You are the foundation, so your ability to give to others rests on how much you give yourself. Yanet Borrego shows you how you can do it even if you just have five minutes to spare in a day. Join in and check out Yanet’s 5-Minute Wellness Routine for Busy People with a 30-day tracking template so you can start prioritizing yourself today!
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Prioritize Wellness, Prioritize Yourself
Welcome to episode number six. I was doing a twenty-minute cardio break walk. I realized it’s a cooler day in Houston. You can feel the fall. It’s right here and it feels great. I was so happy because in Houston, when it gets hot, it gets hot like crazy but I am used to heat. I liked warm weather because I'm from Cuba originally so I'm very used to it and I love it. It was nice to feel that sudden change in temperature. It feels refreshing. I was happy to go out there and experience that coolness of the weather.
This episode is all about prioritizing wellness. I got inspired to record an episode about this topic. I'll be going live in a Facebook group talking specifically about this. The theme is wellness. I don't own the Facebook group but someone else invited me as a guest speaker. When I was thinking of wellness, I was asking what are the main obstacles I have seen on people for them not to prioritize their wellness? What are the main objections that I keep hearing over and over?
The first one that came to my mind was time. I often hear, “Yanet, I don't have the time to go one hour to the gym and meditate for 10 or 20 minutes.” In this episode, I'm going to address that specific reason of being too busy to prioritize your wellness. The second one was around people are feeling overwhelmed by a new change or routine. I also pun to address this objection.
Why prioritizing wellness is important? I love this analogy that I heard once about thinking of life as a battlefield where every day, you experience new challenges, new problems or new celebrations to have something that turned out great. It's a battlefield of learning more and more with new challenges. In order to be safe, secured, centered, calm and balanced, what do you need even before you hit the ground?
Taking care of yourself equals taking care of others.
You need your armor and protective gear. You need that tool that you're going to place in yourself in order to feel grounded. “I'm ready to face anything that may come throughout my day.” That armor is your wellness routine. When you have a solid wellness routine that you execute and focusing on consistently, you feel more empowered, inspired and excited about starting your day because you know that you are in control by getting the result.
One of the things I recommend with any wellness routine is to do it in the morning because of the same reason. It will kick start your day and you're going to feel great. You're even going to feel more productive because there is something that you did already and you were successful at it. It’s going to give you that momentum and confidence that you can do it.
The other reason I hear often is, “I am working, taking care of my pets and my families. I have a lot of social events with my friends. I don't have time for myself.”Let's put that into perspective. You are taking care of everyone else, except yourself. Let that sink in for a few seconds. You are the foundation for everything and anything in what you're doing in your life. You're the foundation for you taking care of your family, your pets or any social interactions with your friends. Wouldn't it make sense to prioritize that foundation so you can take care of others?
You're in the right mental, physical, spiritual and emotional aspect of yourself. Taking care of yourself equals taking care of others. If you want to live longer, feel energized and be able to do many things, dreams and aspirations you are working or walking towards, you have to know how to prioritize yourself, your wellness and taking care of those elements that I mentioned, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
I'm going to give you a couple of tips and techniques that are going to help you tremendously. Not only that. I prepared a three pages guide of a specific routine that I follow whenever I don't have as much time. It takes five minutes. That’s it. Whenever you tell me, “I don't have time,” I'm going to ask you, “Don't you have five minutes to take care of yourself?”
On the last page of this guide, I will also provide you with a free template that I built very customized for this specifically. It’s the template where you can follow those five-minute routines every day for 30 days. I love calendars so this is a calendar template. Every day, you have a chatbox that is empty and you check it out. I did this. Check it out. I did that. Check it out. It's five minutes total. It’s simple and easy to follow. This is a BDO show so it's going to be great. I hope you download it. It's going to be very beneficial for you to start creating sustainable change and empowerment so you can take care of your wellness, which is important.
I would like to address the main obstacles to prioritizing yourself. The first one is, “I don't have time.” How long do you think this takes? It's important rather than thinking that you need a 1-hour workout or a 20-minute meditation. If you don't have much time, why don't you wake up early in the morning and do one minute of jumping jacks?
There are times where I've been traveling mainly or taking training and I don't have full control of what I'm doing because the training is leading a lot of my day. I wake up early and for one minute, I do jumping jacks. That's my physical aspect. I like to revive the routine with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. You can do one minute of jumping jacks, pushups or squats for the physical part. On the spiritual side, why don’t you do one minute of breathing? That's it. It’s simple enough.
One of the other obstacles is the feeling of being overwhelmed. “I feel overwhelmed a lot of time. I don't know what to do.” Don't overwhelm yourself. Keep it simple, at least at the beginning. One of the things that I want you to focus on is consistency, doing five minutes in this free guide that I'm going to provide you with the exact formula, doing five minutes every day. Not 1 hour, not 20 minutes of meditation, just 5 minutes every day.
Consistency over perfection is what's going to allow you to create that sustainable routine for yourself. It is important because even with my coaching clients, if they have never meditated before, part of my coaching program is that they start meditating. It’s important for the spiritual part of the equation. We taught about physical, one-minute jumping jacks. Let's talk about spiritual. Meditation and deep breathing is like mindfulness. If they have never meditated before, I don't ask them to meditate for twenty minutes. It doesn't make sense. They are going to get overwhelmed and they're going to be like, “I cannot do this. This is too much.”
Complexity is the enemy of execution. If you want to start doing something you have never done, start small and build consistency. Whenever you have the basics or the foundation solid then you can add up more to it. If they haven't meditated, I ask them one-minute breathing every day. If they are comfortable with five minutes then I start five minutes but it has to be comfortable and realistic for them. Every person is very different.
I would recommend you to start and keep it simple. One minute deep breathing if you're not familiar with meditation. I've meditated for decades on a consistent basis. Whenever I feel pressed for time, I do five minutes of deep breathing even though my target is 30 minutes. It doesn't matter because at least I prefer doing a little bit than not doing anything at all. It's all about building that consistency and that confidence that you can do it. It is very important to start small.
Consistency over perfection – that’s what’s going to allow you to create a sustainable routine.
We spoke about physical and spiritual. Next is emotional. I love a gratitude practice. You can write it down. There are people that love journaling. Do two minutes of writing down your gratitude. What are you grateful for? What are the top three things you're grateful for? It's a good practice for all of us to not take for granted what we already have.
If you're reading this, you probably have a safe place where to stay, have healthy food that you can access, have friends or family. Those four things are very important and something to be grateful for. It’s focusing on the basics. It grounds you even before you start the day that whatever you're seeking, you already have.
The other one is mental. I’ll provide you more specifics in my free guide of a method that you can follow for five minutes. I like to set my intention for the day. Let's get more granular. I’s maybe the one task that day that I want to accomplish and complete by the end of my day. If I complete that one task, that is a task that’s going to give me the highest return on investment.
In my previous corporate job, I had this amazing manager. I worked nine years in corporate and I transition to entrepreneurship. This manager recommended to me this book called The ONE Thing. What is that one task that is going to give you the highest return on investment? I loved that book. It's simple, powerful and concise. What is that one thing? We already covered physical, spiritual, mental and emotional.
What are those things in your day in each one of these buckets that you are going to address your wellness for you to be empowered, inspired and excited to make an impact on those around you all the time? We have covered why this is important and how you can make it happen. I’m going to give you some tips. It’s a refresher.
You have to make sure that you create a sustainable routine that is going to make you feel great and you’re going to prioritize yourself. The first one is to start small. Do not have big targets that are not realistic and more if you're not familiar with the practice such as meditation. If you have never meditated, start with one minute of deep breathing every day. If you do it every day, that's going to have compounding interest. The more you do it, the better you're going to feel about it. Be consistent.
That’s tip number two. Strive for consistency rather than perfection. It’s not going to be perfect every time. It's important because your best is different every day. That's something that The Four Agreements say. It’s another book that I deeply recommend. Your best is going to be different every single day. Do your best for just one minute. Consistency over perfection. You're not going to be perfect unless you start so start now. Start small and strive for consistency over perfection. Within those buckets of physical, spiritual, mental and emotional, choose a practice.
My fourth tip is downloading the free guide. You don't even have to think through designing your own practice. I'm providing you with a proven approach, just five steps, one minute each. This is a routine that I follow whenever I feel pressed for time or whenever for some reason, I didn't prioritize doing a longer practice. I focused on these for five minutes, targeting physical, spiritual, mental and emotional. You will be ready to go.
I always leave you with one question at the end of each one of our episodes. What are you waiting for? Download that free guide. Start with your routine. What is stopping you from prioritizing yourself? Remember, you are your foundation of yourself and everything else that surrounds you. The second one is to get ready to go into a battlefield to face new challenges. You got to put your armor first. Your armor is your daily wellness routine. I hope you enjoyed this episode. I ask you to share with your family and friends if you found this insightful. I'll see you next time. Thank you so much. I hope these are super helpful.
Important links:
- Template - 5 Mins Wellness Routine for Busy People
- YouTube - Yanet Borrego
- The ONE Thing
- The Four Agreements
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