Discover Your Purpose Program
A step-by-step roadmap to discover your purpose, gain clarity & direction, and start creating a legacy that empowers the world
Discover Your Purpose Program is a comprehensive digital course that will guide you through a 5 weeks step-by-step journey to further align your career to your purpose so you can start creating an impact in this world while doing what you love. This program will show you exactly how to release your mental & emotional blocks, clearly define your direction, and create an action plan that you can start implementing right away.
Before I Tell You About This Life-Changing Program, Let's Talk About Who This Is Really For…
You're a driven professional, entrepreneur, or creator looking to crack the code of long term fulfillment and a purpose-driven career. You are always looking for ways to continue growing and challenging yourself. You love finding ways to impact others and giving back to your community. Even though you are successful externally, you recognize that there is something missing internally. Your heart and intuition are telling you that there is a better way, and you are ready to discover what it is.
Whether You're...
- A driven professional who has a great career in theory, and at the same time, you feel there is something missing inside you. You’re ready to discover what that is, so you can start living a meaningful and fulfilling life while making an impact in others’ lives and bringing in money while doing it!
- An aspiring entrepreneur or one in the making, and you don’t know exactly what to focus on as you build your business. You are ready to tap into your inner wisdom as you find a cause that you truly believe in while using your innate gifts and experience.
- Seeking to make (or are making) a career shift and are wanting to gain clarity and direction on what the next steps would be and how you can get there. You are ready to find the career (or transform the existing one) that will fire you up and will inspire you to wake up every day excited and energized to tackle your day!
You're in the right place and I'm going to tell you exactly how Discover Your Purpose Program will give you the tools and unparalleled support on your journey to defining your purpose-driven and fulfilled career.
By the end of this program,
you will have…
Gained a deeper understanding of your mind, allowing you to identify what's stopping you from finding and living your purpose
Released limiting beliefs and negative emotions that are holding you back so you can create the life you desire
Defined your values in the area of career so you become aware of your intrinsic motivators
Defined your long-term direction including who you want to be, what you want to do, and set actionable goals to get there
Learned the formula for long term fulfillment and a purpose driven career so you can live and lead with joy and kindness
Defined specific and measurable milestones that will get you closer to your desired outcome
Created your action plan to align your career to your purpose
Gotten so clear on your direction that you be more assertive with your day-to-day decisions
Learned how to create a momentum mindset that will allow you to take consistent action as you move toward your compelling future
"In the last couple of years, I became a mom, moved to a foreign country, and stepped back from my intense 10-year corporate career. After these personal and professional changes, I felt lost in identity and struggled to recover from postpartum depression. During these defying times, discovering Yanet’s coaching program was not only a life saver, it was a rebirth! Today, as I stand more grounded and more focused, I have relaunched my career, rebalanced motherhood, and improved my overall well-being."
Naomi A.

"Discover Your Purpose Program has been very expansive in my life, I've adopted the belief that change is possible and within reach. These lessons have helped me to dream bigger and master my mindset, which is the only thing I can control. I've become aware of my limiting beliefs and with the tools in DPP, I've been able to start releasing what no longer serves me. I love that Yanet offers an integrated approach targeting the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of my being. I feel hopeful and empowered to continue aligning my life to my purpose!"
Wendy W.

Enroll in Discover Your Purpose Program Today

Discover Your Purpose Program has helped me so much with trusting my gut and learning not to second guess my decisions. I've gained a new level of respect for my own judgment without needing external validation. The tools and techniques in this course are invaluable, and the lessons are timeless. I can always go back and reference this material for a lifetime. I truly recommend this course!
- Erika P.

After going through Discover Your Purpose Program, my perspective has shifted significantly. I feel so empowered, inspired, and supported after releasing my limiting beliefs and adopting a momentum mindset. Thanks to DPP I let go of perfection and got right into action.
Everyone needs to take this course!
- Anna E.

This course has helped immensely to evaluate between what others have told me success is vs how I define success for myself. These teachings have reminded me that I have the courage to let go of comparison and stick to my authentic path. The content has been very engaging and fun to go through. Yanet has the ability to take very abstract concepts and break them down into concrete and actionable steps.
- Paola G.

In the Discover Your Purpose Program, you get all the support you need to create your purpose-driven journey. Yanet did an exceptional job with the content and the resources, to help you get there. This course strengthened the mindset knowledge I had, allowing me to continue gaining momentum in my path.
- Susan G.

During Discover Your Purpose Program I strengthened my connection and trust to my inner wisdom. I've learned to focus on the possibilities I create in life and to choose what makes me happy. I have had several breakthroughs as I've become aware of my own unconscious patterns and limiting beliefs. I feel free and hopeful that I can pursue ANYTHING that I put my mind to.
- Mayte N.

Thanks to the Discover Your Purpose Program I've developed a greater understanding of my internal world and how I can reprogram my mind to achieve consistent results. It has given me the skills and techniques to define a clear direction and pursue my business goals. I have gone from being in survival mode and fully tactical to being purposeful in creating a legacy of impact.
- Liza B.
What’s Inside Discover Your Purpose Program
Module 1
Understanding Your Mind: Releasing Mental & Emotional Blocks
Most people try to gain clarity starting with goal setting without taking a close look at their unconscious programming.
Your unconscious programming determines whether you get your desired outcome or not.
If you don't take care of your limiting beliefs first, you'll end up repeating the same behavioral patterns you have repeated in the past, leading to the same results you've gotten before.
In this module, you will get gain a deeper understanding of how your mind works, allowing you to identify the limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and patterns that are preventing from reaching your highest potential.
At the end of this module, you will feel empowered, motivated, and clear to go to the next step, finding your purpose.
- Understand how your mind process information and gain awareness what drives your perception of the external reality
- Differentiate between empowering and limiting beliefs
- Identify the limiting beliefs, emotions and patterns preventing you from gaining clarity and taking aligned action
- Release baggage related to limiting beliefs and negative emotions with proven techniques
Module 2
Discovering Your Purpose & Owning Your Story
You will have a clear understanding of what's driving your decision-making and fulfillment in the area of career. This will enable you to have a framework so you can make faster and more assertive decisions.
You will uncover the formula to finding your purpose and successful goal setting.
You will achieve TOTAL clarity about who you want to be and what you are meant to do. This will enable you to discern between a "distraction" and an "aligned action".
- Discover what your career values are and how you can use them to manifest more fulfillment and purpose
- Find your purpose by defining who you want to be and what you are meant to do
- Define your longer-term direction in the area of career, which will guide your short-term decisions
Module 3
Designing Your Aligned Action Plan
After gaining an in-depth knowledge of your internal world and gaining clarity in your purpose, it's time to put it all into action!
You will implement a successful formula to goals setting. You will understand what the reason is why most people don't achieve their goals and what to do to overcome this.
You will build an achievable and realistic step-by-step action plan to help you meet your desired outcome of aligning your career to your purpose.
After having FULL clarity on your goals and your action plan, you will learn how to take consistent and sustainable action to make sure move forward with confidence and momentum.
- Define the specific goals to align your career to your purpose
- Design an action plan that is achievable and realistic
- Set and enforce boundaries in a heartfelt and efficient way
Module 4
Creating Lasting & Empowered Change
You're going to gain a new understanding of the requisites to create lasting, sustainable, and empowered change.
Implementing your action plan and aligning to your purpose is important, but even more important is sustaining what you are creating along the way.
You will start implementing the key habits that will strengthen your daily foundation.
- Implement key daily habits that will allow you to face any challenges while you align to your purpose
- Learn the requisites to create lasting and empowered change (and how to apply them)
- Discover how to efficiently manage on of our most precious resources, time, so you can do more with less
Module 5
Building a Momentum Mindset
80% of achieving anything is mindset, 20% is strategy. When you have the mindset, you can figure out the strategy.
When you only have the strategy, but not the mindset, you will struggle following through and creating momentum.
For this reason, you have an entire module on building a momentum mindset as you finalize the course.
- Learn to apply proven techniques to change your internal state in a matter of seconds. This will allow you to face ANYTHING, whenever you feel overwhelmed or stuck
- Maintain a positive focus and outlook as you stretch the boundaries of who you used to be
- Access to a hypnosis audio incorporating the key lessons of the course, so you can absorb this juicy content at the unconscious level
When you enroll during this special, limited time period,
you’ll get:
Discover Your Purpose Program
(A $1,347 Value)
5 Implementation Modules
Showing a step-by-step roadmap of what you need to do to find your purpose and start aligning your career to it, so you can manifest a fulfilling life
Proven techniques to help you release your unconscious baggage
to make sure you release the limiting beliefs and negative emotions preventing you from gaining clarity in your direction -
A complete framework to define your long-term direction
Showing you how to discover who you want to be and what you are meant to do in the area of career -
The requisites for creating lasting and empowered change
To make sure you don't look back disappointed at the goals you set 1 year ago because you were not able to follow through. This formula will build confidence in your ability to take consistent action and deliver results.
You'll be given access to all modules and bonuses right away - so that you have ample time to dive into the lessons and execute the principles you have learned.
Plus These Bonuses to Help You Generate Unstoppable Momentum (And Keep It) As You Align To Your Purpose
Bonus 1
Empowered Time Management Strategies
Fast-track your way into your most productive days with these easy-to-implement time management strategies.
(A $257 Value)
What You’ll Get:
- Access to a 1.5 hrs paid workshop where you will learn tools that can double and even triple your productivity
- A summarized guide of the key tools and techniques learned during the workshop
Bonus 2
2 Hypnosis Audios to Achieve Grounding and Clarity
To tap into your inner wisdom whenever you feel overwhelmed or stuck.
(A $147 Value)
What You’ll Get:
- Tools to tap into your intuition and go from stuck and overwhelmed to clear and confident
- Audios you can download so you can take them with you anywhere you go
Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:
Discover Your Purpose Program - $1,347 Value
- Bonus 1 - $257 Value
- Bonus 2 - $147 Value
Total Value: $1,801
When you add it all up, that’s a value of $1,801
But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:
Plus You'll be Backed by a Risk-Free 14-Day Guarantee

Let me say this upfront.
Discover Your Purpose Program is a step-by-step comprehensive digital course for professionals, entrepreneurs, and/ or creators who are COMMITED in aligning their career to their purpose so they can achieve their highest potential doing what they love and making an impact in this world.
By the end of these 14 days, you will have received access to the first two modules.
Meaning, you'll have had the opportunity to better understand, identify, and release your limiting beliefs and fears preventing you from aligning with your purpose.
If you don't feel totally confident and motivated in your ability to find your purpose and start aligning with it so you can experience a joyful and fulfilling career, simply reach out, show us you've completed the course assignment to date, and we'll refund your investment.
Burning questions students have been asking before joining the DPP digital course
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the things I'm going to learn, and I am not sure if I have the time. Are you sure I can do this?
What if I have no idea of what I am passionate about?
How long do I need to dedicate weekly to complete the course in 5 weeks?
Is it really risk-free?
How is DPP different from other courses?
Will Yanet be available and accessible to answer questions if I get stuck?
Enroll in Discover Your Purpose Program Today
Still "thinking about it"?
You should give a Discover Your Purpose Program a 14 day risk-free shot if you're motivated by any of the following:
- You feel you're meant for something bigger and you're tired of playing small
- You are ambitious and a high achiever, who are successful externally and feel unfuflilled internally
- You are seeking clarity and are ready to discover what your purpose is so you can start aligning your career to it ASAP
- You are seeking to make an impact while earning your living doing something you truly believe in and love
- You keep asking yourself: is it possible to truly make a living of something I love and am passionate about? That sounds ideal and I don't know if I believe it for me
- You are ready to take responsibility for creating a life and career at your own terms
- You are ready to find your purpose and want concrete step-by step actions to achieve your desired outcome