FREE and LIVE Masterclass

The Worthiness Effect:

How High Achieving Women are Overcoming Self-Doubt and People Pleasing

Date and Time: April 24th

6 pm CST/ 4 pm PST/ 7 pm EST

In This Masterclass



Unlearn the Belief that You Are Not Good Enough

The gap between where you are and where you want to be is created by the belief that "I am not enough". Learn about your subconscious patterns of unworthiness that are running your life and how you can overcome these


Develop Unwavering Faith and Confidence that You Can Do It

We have been taught that we need to fake it to make it, that it's not safe to be ourselves. But authenticity is your SUPERPOWER. You will learn how to develop unwavering confidence and belief in your potential.


Overcome the Fear of Judgment and Rejection

Mindset is everything. When you're in the path of carving your path, there will be naysayers and obstacles in the way. You will learn how to strengthen your rejection-proof mindset and how to build the resilience to create a legacy that empowers the world.


Stop Faking It Until You Make It 

Faking it is EXHAUSTING! You'll learn what's stopping you from showing up powerful and how you can embrace your uniqueness so you can rely on your inner resourcefulness and strength. 

"Through Yanet's coaching program, I’ve gained a new level of respect for myself, no longer making excuses but feeling brave enough to face my fears, enjoying a newfound curiosity to explore what I previously thought were unrealistic goals, and having the determination to make them real."

Paola G.
MBA Student and Consultant

"Through working with Yanet, I’ve been able to radically shift my mindset in a way I never thought was possible. I have more clarity about who I am and what I want in life, thus enabling me to ride the highs and lows of life more effortlessly and effectively. I've never been so consistent with my goals in my life! Each day, I wake up feeling excited about my future and actually BELIEVING in my potential. "

Kim L.
Executive Recruiter

"From releasing my limiting beliefs to creating my compelling future that now I’m so excited about, to taking action and focusing on what I want, Yanet was able to masterfully guide and coach me through the process to allow me to realize that all of the resources I need are already within me."

Diana R.
Consulting Manager


You are reading this because deep within yourself you know that you were meant for more.

More confidence, more happiness, more joy, more abundance, more impact, more peace...

What's stopping you? The lack of connection to your infinite potential, aka "your limiting beliefs" and the feeling that you need to constantly prove that you're enough.

You're often showing up for everyone and everything, and in the process sacrificing your wants and needs.


During this 60 mins Masterclass you will start reconnecting and realigning to the abundant, resourceful, and confident being that you already are.

There is not a single thing missing within yourself, you just have to shed the layers of limitations, surrender, and embrace your inner potential.

I have great news, you have control of the only thing that matters in this process: YOURSELF! 

Join me in this inward journey as you reclaim your BELIEF IN YOURSELF.

This Workshop is a Must Attend If...

  • You know you're meant for something bigger and more meaningful. You recognize that the only thing stopping you from reaching your potential and higher calling is yourself. And now you're committed to going all in and reclaiming your power.

  • You are struggling with self-doubt and sacrificing yourself to please others. You're ready to find evidence within yourself that you're already enough.

  • You have dreams and you keep asking yourself: is it possible for me? Am I capable? You're done doubting yourself and you know that it's within your power to find success and fulfillment by pursuing your ambitious goals.

  • You're often trying to fit in and you're exhausted of faking it. You are ready to try a different approach so you can get different results. You are ready to let go of what you think "you should" be and start embracing who you already are.

A Personal Invitation From Yanet...

I used to shrink myself down to make others feel bigger until I realized that this mindset didn't help anyone.

I knew I needed to start speaking up and embracing my authenticity.

But first, I needed to know who I was and what I wanted.

In the process of getting to know myself, I discovered my purpose and aligned my career with what truly fired me up - guiding high achieving women to believe in themselves and create an abundant and fulfilling life.

I gave myself permission to be powerful when I realized that what I had studied, chemical engineering, wasn't what truly fulfilled me. At that moment I decided to commit to pursuing my dreams and living with authenticity. 

I wanted to live a life with no regrets. 

To get to the place where I could coach others to become powerful, I needed to start leading by example.

It took me 3 career shifts, one transition from Corporate to entrepreneurship (without counting the one that didn't materialize!), $100,000+ invested in training, certifications, coaches,, mentors, and countless hours of experimenting and failing forward to get to where I am.

I've been coaching, teaching, and mentoring high-achieving women to gain clarity on their direction, confidence in their abilities, and the courage to fulfill their potential for the last 10 years.

In this brand-new, fresh masterclass I will guide you to embody WORTHINESS so you can stop doubting yourself and you can start believing in your own power.

It's not too late to reclaim your power.

And in the process, you don't need to sacrifice yourself to please others.

If you're committed to making this the year you finally choose yourself, I can't wait to help you create a significant shift so you can tap into the infinite power within you.